Understanding Audiences of Exclusionary Buddhist Protectionist (EBP) Content



Reaching At-Risk Audiences

Audience Research, Issue Research, Capacity Building, Workshops, Trainings
Intolerance, Polarisation

In Thailand, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka, the rise of Exclusionary Buddhist Protectionist (EBP) views poses a significant challenge. These views spread online, and attract conservative and at-risk audiences. However, there’s limited knowledge about who these audiences are, their online behaviors, and what type of content resonates with them. To counteract these views effectively, it’s essential to understand these groups better.


A Deep Dive into Audience Insights

Love Frankie, in partnership with FHI360, embarked on a mission to fill this knowledge gap. We conducted a comprehensive 6-day online community study in each country, engaging 80 participants identified as susceptible to EBP content. This research was designed to uncover detailed insights into their profiles, behaviors, and the kind of content they interact with online.

From this research, we developed a localized toolkit tailored to each country's unique context. This toolkit offers FHI360’s program partners practical, evidence-based strategies for creating content that resonates with at-risk audiences, aiming to shift their perspectives toward more positive narratives.

Bringing Insights to Life

To ensure these insights were actionable, we organized one-day workshops in each country. These workshops were designed to be interactive and practical, providing program partners with hands-on experience in applying the toolkit’s strategies. Participants left these sessions highly engaged and motivated, ready to integrate these new approaches into their communication efforts to counter extremism.

Our team at Love Frankie is dedicated to providing detailed and practical insights. Through comprehensive research and localized strategies, we equip our partners to engage effectively with at-risk groups. Our commitment to understanding audience nuances and delivering actionable findings ensures a meaningful impact in countering extremist narratives.