How Our Strategy Unlocked The Locked Up

Open Society Foundation


Overcrowded Prisons and Limited Support for Alternatives

Audience Research, Issue Research, Capacity Building, Workshops, Trainings, Social Innovation, Campaigns, Community Mapping, Community Design
Human Rights

Far too many people are deprived of liberty for low-level offenses and crammed into overcrowded prisons across Southeast Asia. On average, jails and prisons in the region are operating at 150-200% overcapacity. Support for alternative policies to incarceration is limited and often missing from public discourse.


Strategic Initiative and Collaborative Efforts

Under the OSF Decarceration Project, Love Frankie launched a strategic response. We began by conducting key informant interviews and public attitude surveys to gather essential insights. This research underpinned the next phases: a co-creation bootcamp with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the rollout of public campaigns.During the co-creation boot camp, we worked closely with CSOs focused on prison issues and human rights. Together, we identified target audiences, crafted resonant messaging, and selected effective creative approaches, including documentaries, podcasts, and infographics.


Establishing the Prison Care Coalition and Raising Awareness

The Indonesian CSOs successfully established the "Prison Care Coalition" and are collaboratively rolling out the campaign on Instagram. The campaign has achieved a reach of 1.8 million, 1.9 million impressions, and 26,000 content interactions, including 6,300 video views.Through this effort, we are shifting public discourse towards alternative policies to incarceration, fostering greater awareness and support for decarceration initiatives in Indonesia.