Unveiling the Power of Youth in Indonesia's Fight for Online Civility



How USAID, Meta, and Love Frankie Spearheaded a Digital Revolution

Program Design, Capacity Building, Workshops, Trainings, Social Innovation, Campaigns
Digital Literacy, Youth Development

The digital landscape in Indonesia, marred by escalating online risks such as hoaxes, scams, and hate speech, presented a profound challenge that could not be ignored. In 2022, USAID and Meta, recognizing the need for a significant paradigm shift in digital interactions amongst youth, collaborated with us to kickstart the Saring Daring University Challenge. This initiative was not just a program, but a mission to mold university students into champions of digital civility.

Developing the Curriculum

Crafting a Curriculum that Challenges and Empowers

Creating a curriculum resonating with students from diverse academic backgrounds involved deep planning and numerous brainstorming sessions. The focus was clear: enhance digital literacy, nurture critical thinking, and foster a sense of community through empathy and constructive communication. Workshops and masterclasses were designed to be interactive, engaging students to think beyond the conventional and to challenge the misinformation and privacy invasions rampant in their digital worlds.

Engagement and Creative Expression

Students Lead the Charge in Creative Digital Advocacy

With six universities on board, the program became a crucible for innovative ideas and creative content. Students were encouraged to create videos that tackled significant issues like misinformation during elections and cyberbullying. The result? A substantial creation of 66 videos, amassing more than 5 million views, proving that when given the right tools and platform, youth can indeed drive positive change. 

Measuring Success and Beyond

Assessing the True Impact of a Digital Literacy Movement. The Saring Daring initiative, encapsulated in a year-long endeavor with a budget of $250,000, wasn't just about the numbers—it was about impact.

The partnerships, the content created, and the wide reach of these initiatives painted a picture of a budding digital democracy, one where young minds lead the charge against digital incivility.

The Future Holds

The Continuing Journey Towards a Respectful Digital Indonesia

As we look forward, the digital echo of Saring Daring resonates beyond just the participants. It's a call to action for other institutions, a blueprint for fostering digital literacy that empowers and educates, ensuring a safer, more respectful digital environment for all. Let's keep the conversation going. Let's keep evolving.