

Vanuatu’s health indicators are very poor with an estimated 20% of the population having no access to health services at all. Despite significant recent investments in the health sector and in particular in strengthening the health system by the Government of Vanuatu and its development partners, progress in realising improvements in health outcomes has been limited and there is a need to explore alternative models and approaches to accelerate progress.


Love Frankie supported Care Vanuatu to develop an interactive dashboard based on a community scorecard approach to scoring the delivery of health services in Tafea province. Through group consultations with project stakeholders including community members, health service providers, NGOs, and government officials, the dashboard is populated with data collected from the field paired with digital stories filmed in and with local community members using participatory methodologies in key locations. The interactive dashboard is used as a tool by health practitioners as well as the Ministry of Health to get real, live data and personal stories from the ground to inform policy decisions and to ultimately improve health outcomes.


The digitisation of the community scorecard approach was successful in increasing and improving the quality of engagement and dialogue between communities and health sector stakeholders across 4 different rural communities in Tafea and Erromango provinces. All stakeholders involved enjoyed the interactive nature of scoring issues and the accessibility of the dashboard. The community scorecard also demonstrated improvements in key health issues over a seven month period - notably in improved access to midwives and improved confidence in delivering and receiving sexual and reproductive health services.
Research, digital dashboard design and build, production of digital stories